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Showing 49 - 60 of 82 Results

  • Base of small bowl collections object detail photo Base of small bowl

    mid 17th century

    Source: Chiwol-ni site 1: above graves, Gyeonggi-do province, Korea

  • Base of bowl with foot collections object detail photo Base of bowl with foot

    early 17th century

    Jeongji-ri site 1: hillside, Gwangju city, Gyeonggi-do province, Korea

  • Base of bowl, with foot collections object detail photo Base of bowl, with foot

    early 17th century

    Gwaneum-ri site 1, Gwangju city, Gyeonggi-do province, Korea

  • Base of bowl collections object detail photo Base of bowl

    mid 17th century

    Jiwol-ri site 2: hillside across valley, Gwangju city, Gyeonggi-do province, Korea

  • Ewer collections object detail photo Ewer

    11th century

    Wonsan-ri or Bangsan-dong kilns, Bongcheon county or Siheung city, Hwanghaenam-do or Gyeonggi-do province, Korea

  • Base of small bowl or jar collections object detail photo Base of small bowl or jar

    mid 17th century

    Jiwol-ri site 2: hillside across valley, Gwangju city, Gyeonggi-do province, Korea

  • Base of bowl with footrim collections object detail photo Base of bowl with footrim

    late 16th century

    Gwaneum-ri site 3, Gwangju city, Gyeonggi-do province, Korea

  • Dish with inventory inscription dated 1832 collections object detail photo Dish with inventory inscription dated 1832


    Bunwon kilns, Gwangju city, Gyeonggi-do province, Korea

  • Base of large bowl collections object detail photo Base of large bowl

    late 16th century

    Gwaneum-ri site 1, Gwangju city, Gyeonggi-do province, Korea

  • Bottle collections object detail photo Bottle

    late 18th-19th century

    Bunwon kilns, Gwangju city, Gyeonggi-do province, Korea

  • Bottom of bowl, partial footrim collections object detail photo Bottom of bowl, partial footrim

    mid 16th century

    Beoncheon-ri no. 5 kiln site, Gwangju city, Gyeonggi-do province, Korea

  • Punwon ware bottle collections object detail photo Punwon ware bottle

    19th century

    Bunwon kilns, Gwangju city, Gyeonggi-do province, Korea