Chado: Japanese Way of Tea Ceremony Demonstration

  • Chado: Japanese Way of Tea Ceremony Demonstration Event Image


    Saturday, April 13, 2024
    1:00 pm–2:00 pm


    Arthur M. Sackler Gallery
    Gallery 27


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Enjoy a demonstration of a Japanese tea ceremony presented by The Chado Urasenke Tankokai Washington DC Association. The tea demonstration will be presented in the Urasenke tradition of Chado. Visitors will have an opportunity to observe and learn the intricacies of Chado (“Way of Tea”), a synthesis of arts and philosophies that combine into a systemized method of preparing, serving, and drinking tea. The demonstration will feature tea utensils from the Kinsey Chanoyu Collection. Gregory Kinsey, a longtime tea practitioner and former trustee of the National Museum of Asian Art, collected these tea utensils for his personal tea practice. Due to their artistic and historic importance, sixteen objects entered the permanent Freer Collection for future research and exhibition. Nearly 170 objects entered the museum’s Study Collection for the express purpose of using the tea utensils in public programs and events focusing on the traditional Japanese preparation of tea. A short Q&A session will follow the demonstration. Please note: this is a demonstration, and no tea will be served to the audience.

Image credit: Tea bowl, named Kumo no Mine, Ohi Chozaemon IX (1901–1986), Japan, Ishikawa prefecture, Kanazawa, mid-20th century, earthenware, Black Raku glaze, National Museum of Asian Art, Smithsonian Institution, Freer Study Collection, The Kinsey Chanoyu Collection, Gift of Gregory Kinsey, FSC-P-6995a-n



Demonstrations, Lectures & Discussions