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In partnership with the Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage, we welcome artisan in residence Yuko Gunji, an artisan who specializes in Japanese kintsugi. During her residency, participants will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in this traditional Japanese craft through a curated series of events.
Kintsugi is a craft practice that involves repairing broken or chipped pottery with lacquer made from sap and decorating it with gold, silver, colored lacquer, and other materials. Instead of being hidden, the repaired cracks are emphasized. Kintsugi, which appreciates imperfections and the beauty of deterioration, is deeply associated with the Japanese aesthetic of wabi-sabi. It has become increasingly popular as a metaphor for the human spirit, transcending the boundaries of mere repair.
The program kicks off with a captivating artisan talk during which participants will learn all about kintsugi. Yuko will unravel how kintsugi originated, how it has been intertwined with Japan's history, and its major significance today. Yuko will also talk about the materials used in kintsugi, such as lacquer, and discuss its characteristics and practicality as well as her process as an expert of kintsugi.
About Yuko Gunji
After studying kintsugi under Gen Saratani, a second-generation maki-e artist active in New York, Yuko Gunji apprenticed with Hakubun Chin, a lacquer artist in Japan, and deepened her knowledge of lacquer (the main material used in kintsugi). After becoming an independent kintsugi artist, she is now based in New York and receives requests for kintsugi restoration from all over the world, including the United States, Italy, Britain, Switzerland, Japan, and more. In addition to restoration, she conducts lectures, workshops, and kintsugi exhibitions.
Image courtesy of Yuko Gunji.
Free; advance registration recommended