Ways to Make a Planned Gift

Make a Gift in Your Will or Trust

Sample Will or Living Trust Language

Leaving a gift in your will or revocable living trust is a wonderful way to ensure your support of the National Museum of Asian Art impacts generations to come.

You may designate a specific dollar amount or a percentage of your estate to the museum while leaving other assets to your family and friends.

There is no minimum requirement. Every gift counts.

To make a gift in your will or trust, follow these simple steps:

  • Provide your attorney with the following sample language: “I give [the residue of my estate], [__% of the residue of my estate], or [the sum of ___dollars] to the Smithsonian Institution, for the benefit of the National Museum of Asian Art, Washington, DC, Federal Tax ID Number 53-0206027″ as a sole, partial, or contingent beneficiary of your account.
  • Notify us so we can welcome you to the Legacy Society.

For more information about making a gift in your will or trust, please email FSGA-Support@si.edu.

Make a Gift by Beneficiary Designation

Naming the museum as the beneficiary of a retirement account is a smart way to give. Income from a retirement account is often taxed more heavily than other assets and therefore may not hold its value for your loved ones.

Because the museum is tax exempt, one hundred percent of your gift will go toward creating your legacy. You can also name the museum as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy, certificate of deposit, bank or brokerage account, or a donor-advised fund.

To make a gift by beneficiary designation, follow these steps:

  • Contact your retirement plan administrator, bank, broker, or insurance company and request a beneficiary form.
  • Write “Smithsonian Institution, for the benefit of the National Museum of Asian Art, Washington, DC, Federal Tax ID Number 53-0206027” as a sole, partial, or contingent beneficiary of your account.
  • Sign and return the beneficiary form to your plan administrator and keep a copy for your files.
  • Notify us so we can welcome you to the Legacy Society.

For more information about making a gift by beneficiary, please email FSGA-Support@si.edu.

Make a Gift that Pays You Back

A life income gift is an ideal means of supporting the Smithsonian Institution while receiving regular payments for the duration of your life and the lives of loved ones.

With a charitable remainder trust, you can simultaneously build the museum’s future and create a reliable income stream for you and the beneficiaries you select.

When you establish a charitable gift annuity at the museum, you receive guaranteed, fixed-income payments and a charitable income tax deduction in the year you make the donation. Gift annuities are for life. Their effect on the museum is forever.

For more information about life income gifts, please email FSGA-Support@si.edu.