Ichimura Kakitsu IV as Shirataki no Sakichi from the series Heroic Commoners in Kabuki (Rien kyokaku den) 「梨園侠客伝 しら滝の佐吉」 四代目市村家橘

Detail of a pattern
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At A Glance

  • Period

    1863, 8th month
  • Geography

  • Material

    Ink and color on paper
  • Accession Number



Object Details

  • Artist

    Utagawa Kunisada 歌川国貞 (1786-1865)
  • Publisher

    Hiranoya Shinzo 平野屋新蔵
  • Collection

    National Museum of Asian Art Collection
  • Origin

  • Credit Line

    The Pearl and Seymour Moskowitz Collection
  • Type

  • Restrictions and Rights

    Usage Conditions Apply

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