Home Visual Glossary Sacred Spaces Shrine Room

Credits & Acknowledgements

Producer: Giles Limited

Author: Rebecca Bloom

Curatorial coordinator: Debra Diamond

Editor: Joelle Seligson

This exploration of Tibetan Buddhism would not have been possible without the assistance of many experts and colleagues. First and foremost is Dr. Alice S. Kandell, whose generous gift of the shrine to the Sackler Gallery inspired this app. At the Freer and Sackler Galleries, we would like to thank Brian Abrams, Jen Bosworth, Jeremiah Gallay, Cory Grace, Neil Greentree, Robert Harrell, Nancy Hacskaylo, Giorgi Medellin, Charlotte Taylor, and Hutomo Wicaksono. Special thanks are owed to Marie Adamski and Eric Haynie, and especially Nils Martin, for sharing their personal photographs of shrines, temples, and landscapes from throughout the Tibetan Buddhist world, and to David Holler and Olaf Czaja for the photo of Densatil Monastery. And particular thanks go to the various photographers who openly shared their photos on Wikimedia Commons, especially Antoine Taveneaux and Luca Galuzzi—their generosity is a great service to the sharing of knowledge and stoking of curiosity about the wondrous people and places of the Himalayas.

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