The Day After

  • The Day After Event Image


    Sunday, June 16, 2024
    3:30 pm–5:00 pm


    Freer Gallery of Art
    Meyer Auditorium


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Talk about a rough first day at work. When Areum (The Handmaiden’s Kim Min-hee) starts her job as an assistant to publisher Bongwan (Korean television star Kwon Hae-hyo), his wife immediately accuses her of having an affair with him. In fact, Bongwan recently broke off an affair with Areum’s predecessor and seems to be grooming her as his next conquest. Sporting Hong Sangsoo’s usual mix of witty dialogue, sly narrative trickery, and wonderful acting, this gem effortlessly balances the farcical with the bittersweet and confirms Hong Sangsoo’s status as the master of the intellectual romantic comedy. (Dir.: Hong Sangsoo, Korea, 2017, 92 min., B&W, DCP, Korean with English subtitles)

Film admission policy: Films are shown in the 300-seat Meyer Auditorium. Preregistration (up to four tickets per person per film) is encouraged but not required. Seating is available on a first come, first served basis for patrons without tickets.
Image courtesy of The Cinema Guild.


Free; advance registration recommended

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Captioning, Wheelchair accessible



Event Series

Tales of Cinema: The World of Hong Sangsoo