Available in DC, Maryland, and Virginia from February 13–26
Stream it here.
Watch the trailer here.
Mina Akbari’s documentary opens with a photograph of a group of seventy journalists taken about twenty years ago in Tehran’s Javanan Square. Of those, only six continue to work in their profession. Many emigrated after the 2009 unrest that followed allegedly rigged elections, a few were imprisoned, and others simply left the field. Akbari narrates the film and interviews many of the journalists from the now-banned Jame’e newspaper. They speak about repression and their professional histories, referring to the difficulties and pitfalls of their careers in Iran. Formerly Youth Square has become a sensation among Iranians because such sensitive topics are rarely discussed in public forums, and because the filmmaker is herself a respected journalist. (Dir.: Mina Akbari, Iran, 2019, 70 min., Persian with English subtitles)