
View from behind of a man standing in a gallery in front of a large stone tablet.
  • Dates

    Open daily, 10 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
    Closed 12/25/24 and 1/20/25
  • Location

    1050 Independence Ave. SW
    Washington, DC 20560
  • Admission

    Always free.
    No tickets needed for entry.

Before You Arrive

Planning a visit? Figure out how you’re getting here and look ahead to what’s available. If you have any questions, call 202.633.1000 or email us.

Planning a Field Trip

Choose from on-site and virtual K–12 tour options to bring culture to the classroom.
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Dancers wave colored scarves at a NMAA Nowruz celebration.

There's Always Something to Celebrate

We draw on cultural traditions from across Asia in festivals and events that bring the museums to life for visitors of all ages. Immerse yourself in art, music, theater, dance, and food from local and international artists and communities.

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From our temporary exhibitions to our permanent collections, there’s something on view for everyone.

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