How to Apply
Deadline: February 5, 2024 (decisions to be announced by March 4)
Applications must be submitted in English (PDF file preferred) and include:
- Application cover sheet (download)
- Curriculum vitae
- Graduate school transcript (unofficial is acceptable). Students from European universities at which transcripts are not provided may submit similar documents (transcript of records, report of studies, etc.)
- 500-word statement discussing why the workshop is of interest; relevant previous research, classroom work, or teaching experience; and the impact the workshop will have on future research and professional development
- One letter of recommendation from a professor of Chinese art history at the applicant’s current university. The letter may be included with the application or sent directly from the reviewer. Email is acceptable if the letter is sent directly from the reviewer. If submitted as hard copy, the letter should be sealed in an envelope signed across the flap. Either way, applicants are responsible for ensuring that the letter of recommendation arrives by the application deadline.
Students are welcome to apply for both workshops in a single application, addressing their background and interest in each workshop in separate application statements. Include one recommendation letter that addresses the two workshop topics.
Please note: The workshops are open to graduate students formally enrolled in, or already accepted to, a PhD program. Students are welcome to apply for both workshops in a single application, addressing their background and interest in each workshop in separate application statements. Include one recommendation letter that addresses the two workshop topics.
Email complete applications (PDFs preferred) to
USPS mail:
Object Study Workshop
National Museum of Asian Art
Smithsonian Institution
PO Box 37012, MRC 707
Washington, DC 20013-7012
Package and courier deliveries:
Object Study Workshop
National Museum of Asian Art
Smithsonian Institution
1050 Independence Avenue SW
Washington, DC 20560
Contact information
Please direct questions to