Ars Orientalis Issue 51

Portraits of women

The graphic arts emphasize design, be it in the arts of drawing, painting, engraving, etching, or other print media, from the techniques of producing a single image to the composition of the page, the album, or the book. Volume 51 of Ars Orientalis focuses on how interlocking practices of making, collecting, compiling, and publishing graphic arts across Asia and between regions in Asia and Europe encouraged the replication, as well as the subtle transformation, of forms, opening up new possibilities for interpretation. The essays specifically attend to the steady replication of readily identifiable forms—whether portraits, general types of people, flora or fauna, ornament, books or other objects, or even the materials of making themselves, like paper—along with their production in artist workshops, libraries, and publishing houses, and their collection in albums, books, or other compendia. In short, the articles engage with the creation and reception of forms and how they wander.

Digital Initiatives

Digital Initiatives in volume 51 explores digitization and virtual reconstructions as examined in the following reviews of two web-based projects. Virtual Angkor both recreates the medieval Southeast Asian city and situates it within rich, multisensory resources crafted primarily for classroom use. The British Library’s Endangered Archives Programme and the virtual Reading Room of the Hill Museum and Manuscript Library bring together disparate global collections through digital reproductions and robust tools geared towards researchers and specialists.

Digital Initiatives is a column that explores digital tools, research resources, publications, and learning opportunities in art history and related fields, with a special focus on topics relevant to Ars Orientalis readers.

Ars Orientalis 51

  • Editor-in-Chief

    Massumeh Farhad

  • Managing Editor

    Sana Mirza

  • Editor

    Melanie B. D. Klein

  • Advisory Board

    Qianshen Bai
    Kevin Carr
    Christiane Gruber
    Carol Huh
    Simon Rettig
    Haicheng Wang

  • Designer

    Scribe Inc.
    University of Michigan Publishing

  • Editorial Offices

    Ars Orientalis
    Freer Gallery of Art
    Smithsonian Institution
    P.O. Box 37012, MRC 707
    Washington, D.C. 20013-7012

    For deliveries
    (DHL, FedEx, UPS, courier)
    1050 Independence Avenue, SW
    Washington, D.C. 20560

Issn 0571-1371
Printed in the United States of America
© 2021 Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.

Beginning with volume 42 (2012), Ars Orientalis is indexed and abstracted in the Art and Humanities Citation Index®.

Ars Orientalis 51 print copies can be ordered here:

Current print volume price (excluding shipping): $60

Image credits: Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery Archives; Freer Gallery of Art; Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin; Private collection; Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris; Bibliothèque Nationale de France; Houghton Library, Harvard University; Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery Archives; University of Leeds Library; Annu Palakunnathu Matthew and sepiaEYE; New York; British Library; and Virtual Angkor