Title: Krishna[KRISH-nah]a major deity and an avatar of the god Vishnu, considered by some to be of equal or greater importance than Vishnu. The most popular and widely worshiped avatars of Vishnu are Krishna and Rama. approaches Radha[RAAD-huh]beloved of the god Krishna., foliothe back and front of a leaf in a book; the term is usually used in the context of handwritten manuscripts. page – refers to only one side of a leaf and is used in the context of printed books. from a Rasikapriya[RAAS-ick-uh PREE-yuh]literally, “Connoisseur’s Delights”; a manual of poetics written by Keshav Das in 1591 that was wildly popular in the Hindu and Muslim courts of northern India.
Type: Folio
Associated Religious Tradition: Hinduism
- Geography: India, Rajasthan, Bikaner
- Date: Dated 1690
- Period: Early Modern
- Artist: Nur Muhammad
Physical Properties
- Material: Opaque watercolor and gold on paper
- Dimensions: H × W (overall): 19 × 14 cm (7 1/2 × 5 1/2 in)
Crediting Information
- Collection: National Museum of Asian Art Collection
- Credit Line: Purchase and partial gift from the Catherine and Ralph Benkaim Collection—funds provided by the Friends of the Freer and Sackler Galleries Arthur M. Sackler Gallery
- Accession Number: S2018.1.45